A Postgraduate Videogame Research Group

Call For Papers 2019

We are inviting papers of 20 minutes in length on any topic related to videogames and we particularly invite interdisciplinary responses. We accept proposed group panels of 3 people. Possible foci for papers may include but are in no way limited to:

  • Interactions between Videogames and other forms of media (e.g. film adaptations, interactive television such as Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018), and multi-media franchises such as Marvel and Harry Potter).
  • Ramifications and ongoing growth of choice-based play (e.g. alternate endings and cross-game ramifications).
  • The recent surge in revived, rebooted and remade videogames (e.g. God of War (2018), Shadow of the Colossus(2018) and Spyro Reignited Trilogy (2018)).
  • The creation of increasingly larger and more complex game worlds.
  • Influences of literary and cinematic movements and modes on gaming (e.g. the Gothic, Horror, Film Noir, etc).
  • Representation of minorities within videogames (e.g. the growth of both female and non-white protagonists, and the choice of non-hetero romance options in some games)
  • Presentism within portrayals of historical periods (e.g. the Red Dead Redemption, Assassin’s Creed and Call of Duty franchises).
  • Non-linear or non-traditional narrative styles (e.g. the Dark SoulsTrilogy)

For more details go to their website

Please submit a title, 200-word abstract and a 50-word bionote in a single document for consideration by the 30th April 2019 to Group panels please submit as one document containing all titles, abstracts, and bionotes as well as a proposed title for your panel.

Keep up with the news about the study day by following @lu_gamestudies and remember to use #LU_nextgen19 in your tweets.

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