Call for Host: British Digital Games Research Association Conference 2025

The British Digital Games Research Association (BDiGRA) is pleased to announce its Call for Hosts for the BDiGRA Conference 2025. This conference will bring together scholars, practitioners, and industry professionals to explore the latest research and developments in digital games. The BDiGRA exec will provide support to the selected hosts through regular meetings with the organising committee.

Please send an outline of no more than 750 words to Dr Tom Brock (BDiGRA Chair) by 1st September 2024 at

Please include a draft of the following details as part of the proposal (*): Conference theme Location and venue Paper submission types, guidelines and any publication plans Important dates and costings Contact information

BDiGRA is committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants. As such, please provide a short statement on how your conference will address DEI. This includes the diverse representation of keynotes, offering hybrid and other accessibility options, etc.

BDiGRA is also committed to making conferences more economically and environmentally sustainable. Please provide a short statement on how your conference will address sustainability, such as by providing sustainable catering options or offering digital programs to reduce paper usage.

*In conversation with the BDiGRA exec, we are expecting the conference to take place between Jan – May 2025. Budgets, venue, website, and call need to finalised three months prior to the event.

Thank you for applying to host BDiGRA 2025.

Best regards,

The BDiGRA Executive Committee

Immersion Fellow Opportunities

The South West Creative Technology Network are offering 24 paid fellowships to people from industry and academia to think deeply about the potential, challenges and opportunities in the realm of immersion.

We are looking for people who combine an original R&D perspective on the theme with an open and exploratory approach. Fellows will work individually and within a cohort to engage in deep thinking, discussion and critique; drawing out potential opportunity and challenging current assumptions. They will be supported to spend time on an individual line of enquiry, developing new knowledge that can be shared with the cohort and more broadly.

Fellowships run from September 2018 through to July 2019, but time commitment for Fellows will be significantly front-loaded to the period September to December 2018. Academics must be based at one of our University partners, others will have a connection to the South West.

Each Fellow will receive a £15k bursary to support time and research costs.

More details here –