Call for Papers – British Digra 2019 – 6 -7 June 2019 – Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent

Call for Papers – British DiGRA 2019


The third annual conference of British DiGRA.

6 -7 June 2019

Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent


The Diverging Game Mix.


We welcome submissions that move beyond digital gaming, for example submissions relating to boardgames, LARP, pervasive games or other forms of analog gaming.

As with last year, we actively encourage early scholars and PhD candidates, and wish to programme our conference to provide a welcoming environment for newer voices as well as those more established.

Once again, our theme playfully engages with that of DiGRA 2019, aiming to present a counter perspective to the work being discussed there. We may even get some sets of giant Ludo in!

Submissions should consider, but not be restricted to, the following topics in this light:

  • Revisiting Games as Inter/Multidisciplinary subject
  • Gaming as Media
  • Representation in Games
  • Licensed and Franchised Games
  • Playfulness and the Medium of Games
  • Design as practice
  • Pedagogy and gaming
  • Game design/development/theory
  • Casual Games
  • Changes in gaming culture
  • Spectatorship and play
  • Esports theory
  • Underrepresented Games and Audiences
  • Close readings and ‘well played’ games.

We welcome the following submission types:

Full papers, of 5000 – 7000 words, to be presented as papers in a panel session.

A template for full papers is available here:

(with thanks to Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari, Adam Summerville and Mark Nelson for this resource)

Abstracts of 500 words, to be presented in a series of quickfire round table sessions.

Please follow the relevant areas of the template, including Abstract, Keywords and References.

Workshops to last approx half a day – to be submitted as precis of approx 500 – 1000 words underlining core objectives and aims.

Discussion panels – to be submitted as precis of approx 500 – 1000 words underlining core objectives and aims.

Paper Paramedic and Mentorship. Following on from the very successful sessions last year, we will be offering a paper paramedic session to contributors whose work we believe is not quite ready for submission. We encourage everyone to submit work, irrespective of academic level.


We are looking for reviewers! Contact us before we contact you! 😉


Please submit work to by 22nd April 2019. Papers and abstracts should be anonymised, but please make sure you identify yourself in the e-mail so that we can respond when the paper has been reviewed.


Notification of acceptance of papers 10th May 2019


Selected proceedings may be published in a special edition of ToDiGRA, in second quarter 2020.


We have decided to charge a small attendance fee of £30 and £15 for students  to cover costs. Volunteers may attend for free. Any surplus funding will be carried over to future BDiGRA events.

An Eventbrite with booking details will be forthcoming.

All attendees are expected to abide by the BDiGRA Inclusivity Policy:


Ying-Ying Law

Esther MacCallum-Stewart

Alan O’Dea

Nia Wearn

Call for Papers – Last Symposium Standing: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Survival Media

Last Symposium Standing: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Survival Media

April 30 @ 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

Since the early 2000s, a wide range of ‘survival’ media has been created, watched, played and explored. Alongside the rise in the production of survival media, this popularity is also evidenced by the prevalence of survival narratives in more traditionally established genres such as horror, disaster and thrillers. From reality TV shows like ‘Survivor’ to video games such as The Long Dark, from advertising to films such as ‘Trapped’ and ‘127 Hours’, this symposium explores what can be learnt from examining these narratives which foreground human survival. What does the popularity of survival narratives in contemporary media tell us about the realities and concerns of individual and collective survival across the world? Positioning survival media as a 21st century global phenomenon, how can we understand the challenges of our survival in the contemporary world such as climate change by exploring the landscapes and terrains imagined by survival media?

This symposium aims to engage with these questions and bring together all who are who working on survival media across the disciplines. Inviting works on survival films, reality and fictional television, literature, video games, advertising, all work will be shared in a day-long event on April 30th 2019 hosted by the Department of Film Studies, University of St Andrews. We invite conference-style papers of 20 minutes, more informal 5 minute interventions and debates, and other more experimental presentations of both academic and practice-based work. There will also be a survival media-themed activity followed by a plenary Q&A. The symposium is designed to facilitate discussion on this engaging topic, aid inter-disciplinary PG networking and provoke new questions on the notion of ‘survival’. ​

We invite papers (short and long) and other presentations of work on the following topics, and others:

Spaces of survival and world creation​

Narratives of survival​

Transnational media and survival​

Survival as an inter-disciplinary topic​

Aesthetics of survival​

Transmedial survival​

Politics and ideology of survival​

The ‘surviving’ body​

Gender and identity in survival​

Proposals of no more than 250 words and a 50 word bio should be sent no later than February 15th 2019 to: ​

Cassice Last-

Shruti Narayanswamy- ​

There are a few travel bursaries available for PG students and ECRs which will be assigned by a lottery system. 

This symposium is brought to you with financial support from the St Leonard’s Doctoral and Postgraduate College Community Fund, the University of St Andrews CAPOD GRADskills Innovation Grant / PG Conference Fund and the BAFTSS Event Grant Scheme.​