Call for Host: British Digital Games Research Association Conference 2025

The British Digital Games Research Association (BDiGRA) is pleased to announce its Call for Hosts for the BDiGRA Conference 2025. This conference will bring together scholars, practitioners, and industry professionals to explore the latest research and developments in digital games. The BDiGRA exec will provide support to the selected hosts through regular meetings with the organising committee.

Please send an outline of no more than 750 words to Dr Tom Brock (BDiGRA Chair) by 1st September 2024 at

Please include a draft of the following details as part of the proposal (*): Conference theme Location and venue Paper submission types, guidelines and any publication plans Important dates and costings Contact information

BDiGRA is committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants. As such, please provide a short statement on how your conference will address DEI. This includes the diverse representation of keynotes, offering hybrid and other accessibility options, etc.

BDiGRA is also committed to making conferences more economically and environmentally sustainable. Please provide a short statement on how your conference will address sustainability, such as by providing sustainable catering options or offering digital programs to reduce paper usage.

*In conversation with the BDiGRA exec, we are expecting the conference to take place between Jan – May 2025. Budgets, venue, website, and call need to finalised three months prior to the event.

Thank you for applying to host BDiGRA 2025.

Best regards,

The BDiGRA Executive Committee

British Digra Discord Channel

As discussed as the annual meeting in June at the bDigra Conference we were asked to explore a method of communication and community that would allow information about events to be shared easily – the community voted and here is the discord channel you overwhelmingly voted for. We would continue to maintain the website ( and promote the e-mail list (

Hopefully this will work as a way to continue the conversations, share events and scholarly things that started at the 2018 conference and work to build to community. The link is here –

British Digra 2018 – deadline extension – Now April 3rd 2018

The team at British Digra, being hosted this year at Staffordshire University in Stoke-on-Trent have been so busy planning we’ve only just noticed our call for papers deadline ( falls in the Easter Bank Holiday –  With this in mind the team have decided to extend it until midnight on Tuesday April 3rd 2018.

Full details of submission specifics & paper template can be found here –

We’re looking for submissions of the following types:

  • Full papers, of 5000 – 7000 words, to be presented as papers in a panel session.
  • Abstracts of 500 words, to be presented in a series of quickfire round table sessions.
  • Discussion panels – to be submitted as precis of approx 500 – 1000 words underlining core objectives and aims.
  • Workshops to last approx half a day – to be submitted as precis of approx 500 – 1000 words underlining core objectives and aims.

Any questions please direct them to

Happy 2018 – Ways to keep in Touch

Happy New Year! Let’s make 2018 Awesome and full of great events and exciting research.

A couple of reminders:

We have a E-mail / Newsgroup list that you can join here –

We also have a Facebook Page –

Both of these are great ways of letting us know about events and opportunities you want shared, that would be of interest to British Digra members.

Finally we’ve  extended the deadline for submissions bids to host British Digra 2018 to 5pm on Sunday 14th January 2018. Details here –