Call for papers: Beyond the Console: Gender and Narrative Games

Beyond the Console: Gender and Narrative Games

8 / 9 February 2019, at the V&A and London South Bank University, UK

Call for Papers

The conference invites submissions from a broad range of disciplines, and is particularly interested in fostering links between research scholarship, game making, and curation. We are interested in paper proposals (including theoretical and methodological proposals, comparative studies, and case studies), as well as creative research demonstrations from scholars, art practitioners, curators and gamemakers. Possible areas for consideration might include, but are not limited to:

· ‘The personal game’: subjectivity and game authorship
· Gender (re-)activism: social media, authoring tools, crowdsourcing
· Language, gender, programming: translation, procedural narratives
· Gender through immersive live action role play (LARP) games
· Gender in interactive performance
· Radical reappraisals of game genres
· The state of ontological play: who plays who, what, where and how

The conference will include a live keynote game by Porpentine, introduced and chaired by Emily Short, hosted by the V&A Museum. The keynote speaker is the interactive artist and scholar Hannah Wood.


Proposals (20 minute length for papers; 10 minutes for demonstrations and provocations) should include a title, an abstract of max. 300 words, and a brief biography.

The proposal deadline is 26 November 2018.
Please address proposals to:

Conference Organiser: Dr Karlien van den Beukel, Arts and Creative Industries, London South Bank University


14th ESA Conference, 20-23 August 2019 to be held in Manchester / UK

It has a number of research streams that may be of interest to our members:

RS01 – Gaming at the Boundaries: Imagining Inclusive Futures
RS07 – Platform Work: Needs, Activation and Representativeness in the Era of Digital Labour

Abstract submission deadline – 1 February 2019

For more information:

British DiGRA conference 2019 – call for hosts

Following last year’s highly successful British DiGRA conference, hosted by Staffordshire University, the Board are pleased to invite interested institutions to apply to host the 2019 conference, which is expected to run sometime between late-April and June 2019.

Applicants should download and complete this form, providing all the information indicated.

  • Applications should be submitted by 5pm on Friday 14th December.
  • As soon as possible following the closing date, the Board will select a host from the submitted applications.
  • Applications should be no longer than 3500 words, including the prescribed headings, and may include images (for example, maps or photographs of the proposed venue).
  • Applicants are encouraged to review the Inclusivity Policy.
  • Please submit your completed form to Matt at by the closing date. Queries may be addressed to Esther ( or Matt.