CFP – DIGRA 2019 KYOTO JAPAN – Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix

DiGRA 2019 
Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
August 6-10, 2019

Call for Papers
‘Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix’


Media mix (wasei-eigo, メディアミックス or ‘media mikkusu’) bears a particular meaning in Japanese popular culture originating from anime production and consumption in the 1960s. Similarly to cross-media, media convergence, and transmediality, it refers to ways of presenting, representing, and sharing content on different platforms and media allowing dynamic communication between them. Media mix is best seen as a commercial approach as it was conceived to improve advertising strategies through heavy reliance on characters. Of particular importance for media mix are Intellectual Properties that link together various media products and entertainment services across technologies and platforms from TV to toys and game arcades. Its anime origins also bring along a range of analogue formats and outlets as parts of media mix. Conventionally, digital games are seen as one of these possible outlets.

In DiGRA 2019, we invite contributors to consider the possibility of ‘ludo mix’ where games and play increasingly occupy the focal point of such a diversified distribution and consumption model. Ludo mixes may include several versions of a game or several different games together with other content thus resulting in novel media ecologies, business models, and development and consumption cultures.

More details here –

British Digra 2018 – deadline extension – Now April 3rd 2018

The team at British Digra, being hosted this year at Staffordshire University in Stoke-on-Trent have been so busy planning we’ve only just noticed our call for papers deadline ( falls in the Easter Bank Holiday –  With this in mind the team have decided to extend it until midnight on Tuesday April 3rd 2018.

Full details of submission specifics & paper template can be found here –

We’re looking for submissions of the following types:

  • Full papers, of 5000 – 7000 words, to be presented as papers in a panel session.
  • Abstracts of 500 words, to be presented in a series of quickfire round table sessions.
  • Discussion panels – to be submitted as precis of approx 500 – 1000 words underlining core objectives and aims.
  • Workshops to last approx half a day – to be submitted as precis of approx 500 – 1000 words underlining core objectives and aims.

Any questions please direct them to

Gaming and the Arts of Storytelling

9:00-18:00 9th May 2018 – Abertay University, Dundee, UK.

The relationship between narrative and games has been contentious across popular, academic and developer discussions. If we shift the critical question to the closely related term ‘storytelling’, what new perspectives arise? This symposium brings together scholars specialising in literature, museology, comics, videogames, cinema, history, artificial intelligence, fine arts and other fields to examine contemporary storytelling through the lens of gaming.

Keynote: Professor Espen Aarseth (ITU Copenhagen).

Full CFP (deadline passed):

Thanks to Abertay University’s School of Design and Informatics for generous support of this symposium.

CfP – GAME‐ON’2018

Conference Aim

The aim of the 19th annual European GAME-ON® Conference (GAME-ON®‘2018) on Simulation and AI in Computer Games, is to bring together researchers and games developers in order to exchange ideas on programming and programming techniques, which will be beneficial to the gaming industry and academia. Secondly it aims to steer young people into this industry by providing how-to tutorials and giving them the opportunity to show their ideas and demos to the gaming industry. The conference will concentrate mostly on the programming of games, with special emphasis on simulation, AI and fuzzy sets, and physics related computer graphics. Next to that, all of this will be fused in the topic of computer game design in stand-alone and networked games. Software providers will be able to show their latest packages and give hand-on tutorials for the participants.

Companies will also have the opportunity to seek new talent at this unique event.

GAME-ON®‘2018 consists of five core tracks, which cover, Gaming Methodology, Game Theory, Gamification, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation, while the other tracks cover peripheral technologies closely linked to games design, like 3-D scalability, facial and skeletal animation, 3D in-game animation etc, Mobile Gaming and Gaming Applications such as Serious games and Gamification in different sectors; Organizational issues when implementing games; Designing games for learning; Technologies, tools and platforms for developing games for learning; Games to teach arts, science, or business; Social and collaborative aspects of game-based learning; Multi-modalaspects of game-based learning (e.g. audio, augmented reality, virtual reality, etc); Motivational aspects of game-based learning.

Details of the ocnference are here –

CFP – British DiGRA 2018

The second annual conference of British DiGRA.

14th – 15th June 2018

Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent

CFP is here –

We actively encourage early scholars and PhD candidates, as well as more established voices.

Submissions should consider, but not be restricted to, the following topics in this light:

  • Revisiting Games as Inter/Multidisciplinary subject
  • Gaming as Media
  • Representation in Games
  • Playfulness and the Medium of Games (Why/Not so Serious…?)
  • Building games
  • Pedagogical practice and gaming
  • Game design/development/theory – the un/holy? trinity
  • Changes in gaming culture
  • After the Storm (post gamergate theory)
  • Games production as critical medium
  • eSports theory

We welcome a range of submission types – full details here –

Please submit work to by 31st March 2018.

Acceptance of papers 14th April 2018

We have decided to charge a small attendance fee of £25 to cover costs. Any surplus funding will be carried over to future BDiGRA events. An eventbrite with details of this will be forthcoming.

We Make Stuff: Play and Multiplatform

We Make Stuff: Play and Multiplatform

Tuesday 6 February, 2018
5:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Burdall’s Yard, 7A Anglo Terrace, Avon, Bath, BA1 5NH

How can we utilise gaming and multiplatform strategies to create new digital methodologies for narrating the journeys of place and community?

Exploring how rich digital methods can be fathomed out of apps, gaming and multiplatform media to tell the personal stories of community and sense of place, We Make Stuff: Play and Multiplatform is a collaboration with Create Studios, an award-winning hub of digital creatives, and is the third in the Media Convergence Research Centre’s public engagement event series.

The event will consist of presentations delving into different ways in which playable media – such as gaming and apps – and transmedia storytelling can be used to empower communities in different contexts, spanning education in Latin America, the UK’s political groups, and questions of public place in Lancaster.

Presentations will be followed by a Q&A discussion panel.

Details on presentations and booking a place here –

8th Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning

Call for Participation: 8th Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning
The Irish Conference on Game Based Learning (iGBL), formerly the Irish Symposium on Game-Based Learning, now in its eight year, will be hosted in Cork (Ireland) on 28th and 29th June 2018.

This conference provides a forum for all stakeholders interested in exchanging ideas, projects, and best practices on the use of games and game-based approaches to support motivation, learning, and change.
Researchers will be able to present and share their latest findings.
Students will have an opportunity to present their research or showcase their games, and meet specialists in this field to obtain constructive feedback.
Instructors will have the opportunity to discover new game-based teaching approaches and share new game-based skills that they can integrate in their teaching.
Companies will be able to showcase their products and explain how these can be used in the context of learning and motivation.

Prospective presenters can submit their abstract through the online submission system.

We welcome abstracts from a wide range of stakeholders, including researchers, instructors, or students, who will have the opportunity to conduct workshops, present research results, or provide insights on how they managed to design or use games for educational or motivational purposes.

Important Dates

22nd of February: Final Abstract submission deadline.
22nd of March: Notification of abstract acceptance.
22nd of March: Successful research abstracts are invited to submit an extended version to be published in the International Journal of Game-Based Learning.
12th of April: Registration deadline for presenting authors.
12th of April: Submission of extended abstracts (i.e., research papers).
22nd of April: Notification of acceptance of extended papers.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts.

The iGBL2018 committee.

For more information on iGBL2018, please email us at: or visit the official website (

IEEE Games, Entertainment, & Media (GEM) 2018

IEEE Games, Entertainment, & Media (GEM) 2018

Call for Papers, Special Sessions, Tutorials and Industry Contributions


Continuing the grand tradition & broadening the scope of the IEEE International Games Innovation Conference (IGIC, 2009 – 2013) and IEEE Games Entertainment & Media (GEM, 2014 – 2016) we introduce the GEM 2018 conference to be held on-campus at the National University of Ireland Galway, August 16th – 18th .



The Games, Entertainment and Media (GEM) Conference began in London 2009, and moved to venues in the US and Canada until 2016. For 2018 the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society will re-boot GEM outside of North America for the first time in a decade at the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG).


Situated on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean the West of Ireland has traditionally been the site of the first trans-Atlantic air-flights and there are many historic links between Ireland, the US & Canada stretching back to the times of the Irish famine. Today you can explore the rich heritage & history of the West of Ireland via the Wild Atlantic Way and Galway is conveniently situated at the mid-point of this 1,500 mile long costal adventure.


Today, our aim is to build a bridge between gaming and digital media research in North America and in Europe and the UK. Ireland, with unique historic links to North America, coupled with a pivotal role as a technology European technology hub and strong economic ties with the UK, offers a unique venue for gaming and digital media researchers to meet and share the latest innovations.


Conference Scope

In scope GEM encompasses all aspects of gaming and interactive digital media ranging from theoretical advances in algorithmic and mathematical techniques, to new enabling technologies, advanced consumer electronics systems, novel sensing technologies, to socio-economic impacts and unique and original uses and applications of these technologies. GEM is for scientists, engineers, psychologists, sociologists, mathematicians, programmers and games researchers of all disciplines, united in their interest and enthusiasm for digital games, interactive entertainment & media and the significant uses and impacts these technologies have on our lives.


If you would like to see your personal area of GEM research represented in Galway in 2018 please contact Peter Corcoran, Sam Redfern, or Charlotte Kobert to share your ideas and vision for a special or panel session, a tutorial or a hands-on demonstration or workshop.


Conference Research Themes

The main conference theme reflects recent technology developments in consumer technologies, in particular the availability of advanced AR software, advances in sensing and computer vision & display technologies and the growing sophistication of new cloud computing services; thus we find ourselves in a world open with new technological capabilities to create “Augmented Spaces and Virtual Worlds”.

GEM delegates are encouraged to submit original research works exploring these new, emerging possibilities to create exciting, engaging, authentic digital gaming and interactive-media experiences for end-users. The main conference tracks are:


Academic Research Themes

  • GEM in the Cloud
  • Mobile & Wearable Technologies for GEM
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality in GEM
  • Social and Economic Aspects of Digital GEM
  • Societal & Behavioural Impacts of GEM
  • Medical Applications of GEM
  • Augmented Spaces for GEM
  • Emerging Technologies:
    • User Interface,
    • Location-Awareness,
    • Touch & Haptics,
    • Motion Capture,
    • Distributed Intelligence,
  • eSports
  • Serious Gaming
  • Education & Learning through GEM
  • Artificial Intelligence in GEM
    • AI Engines & Accelerators
    • Deep Learning & Neural Networks


Industry Research Themes

  • GEM Design, Development & User Experience
  • Serious Gaming & Industry Applications
  • Practical Case Studies of GEM
  • GEM Platforms & Infrastructure
  • Standards & Open-Source GEM


Peer & Invited Contributions

Peer-Reviewed Contributions (Academic)

  • Long/Short Paper + Oral Presentation (20 mins)
  • Long Paper + Poster


Peer-Reviewed Contributions (Industry)

  • Long Oral Presentation (PPT slides, 20 mins)
  • Industry Demo (Tabletop – Slides optional)


Invited Contributions

  • Keynote Talk (PPT slides, 30-45 mins)
  • Panel Session
  • Special Oral Session (3-5 long papers)
  • Special Poster Session (8+ posters)
  • Tutorials & Hand-on Workshops


Plenary Keynote Sessions:

GEM will feature 6 plenary keynote sessions. Details will be available shortly on the conference website, accessible via the short link: .


Publication Opportunities:

The conference proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore.

In addition, there will be opportunities for special sections in several IEEE Journals and technical Magazines including:

  • IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
  • IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine

IEEE Technology in Society Magazine

Selected papers will receive mentoring & advice from members of the GEM organising committee develop their articles for archival publication in relevant IEEE Journals.


Technology Demonstration Sessions:

GEM has a tradition of emphasising new and emerging technologies and their role in improving and enhancing the user experience, interactivity and social aspects of gaming and interactive media.

This year we will have several industry-led sessions with a focus on new audio & display technologies and other novel approaches to providing enhanced and augmented interactive spaces. Details will be available shortly on the main conference website or at the short link: .


Conference Venue:

GEM 2018 will be held in the Alice Perry Engineering Building on the NUI Galway campus. The venue is close to the Corrib Student Village where reserved accommodation is available for delegates. The venue is a 15 minute walk from downtown Galway.


Conference Organization:

Conference Chair: Peter Corcoran of NUI Galway; founding editor, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine;

Program Chair: Sam Redfern, university lecturer & game programmer;

Publicity Chair: Lee Stogner;

Publications Chair: Tom Wilson;

Conference Manager: Charlotte Kobert;

Conference Timeline (indicative)

Submissions should be made via the EDAS conference management system (; if you do not yet have an EDAS account then please register; submit a paper via the menu; select the GEM 2018 conference.

Submissions should be in standard IEEE two-column format. For additional details or queries please contact the publication chair or conference manager.

Submission deadlines:  31st March 2018

Notification:  May 2018

Camera-Ready papers: June 2018

Conference Venue: National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), August 15th-17th.

Getting There:

Delegates are recommended to fly into Dublin Airport where there are coach services every 30 minutes to Galway. These are comfortable modern coaches with onboard WiFi. Alternatively it is possible to fly into Shannon Airport but transport to Galway is less frequent so this is only advised if you plan to hire a car to explore the Wild Atlantic Way ( )


For Further Information on the conference please consult the official IEEE GEM 2018 website at


For Further Information on Galway and the West of Ireland:




Elena Bertozzi, PhD. Associate Professor

Game Design & Development

Quinnipiac University * 203-582-7998* CAS 1 327 * *  *


A one-day conference hosted by the Digital Culture Research Network, and supported by the Midlands3Cities DTP (M3C) Cohort Development Fund


Date: Friday 20th April 2018
Venue: University of Nottingham

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday 9th February 2018


‘Digital⇌Culture 2018’ explores the varied links between digital and cultural processes. Digital tools such as social media, mobile devices, video games, data analysis infrastructures, and networked technologies increasingly permeate our everyday lives. As a result, the production and expression of ‘meanings’ or ‘values’ – like the experience and performance of identity, gender, embodied lived experience, political activism, linguistic engagement, knowledge and power relations – are increasingly co-constituted by digital platforms.

This one-day conference, which includes keynote speeches from Prof. Tim Jordan (University of Sussex, UK) and Dr. Katrin Tiidenberg (Aarhus University, Denmark), aims to bring together researchers from a wide array of disciplines with an interest in digital culture. Visit
for more information and updates.


We invite proposals from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to present theoretical and empirical research in response, but not limited, to the following topics:

– How can we meaningfully study the relationship between digital platforms and the activities they enable?
– What is the relationship between features of digital platforms and the communicative acts they mediate?
– How can we understand the value landscape of digital entertainment?
– How do features of digital platforms become re-appropriated as resources for the construction and performance of identity, and to what extent does this in turn shape perceptions of the platform?
– How do digital platforms participate in knowledge-creation and the establishment of dominant discourses?
– How do digital platforms affect the aesthetic and artistic practices of mediation?

To encourage proposals from doctoral students, we are awarding six joint-travel/accommodation grants to successful proposals. Further details below. There will be no  fee charged for presenting at, or attending, this conference.

Submissions should follow the below format and be submitted to by 23:00 GMT on Friday 9th February 2018.


Paper Title
Speaker Name
Speaker Contact Email
Abstract (Up to 250 words outlining the paper’s main arguments, methods, and relevance to the conference theme)
Speaker Biography (Up to 100 words)
Keywords (3 terms relevant to the paper)



We are pleased to offer six joint-travel/accommodation grants, each of which includes one night’s accommodation at the University of Nottingham (arranged by the organising committee) and up to £50 travel expenses.

The grant is open to all doctoral applicants, but at least three of the grants are reserved for non-M3C-funded applicants based at the DTP’s six institutions (Uni. Of Nottingham; Nottingham Trent; Birmingham City; Uni. of Birmingham; De Montfort; Uni. of Leicester). Those currently funded by M3C are not eligible to apply for this grant. This grant will only be offered to doctoral students whose papers have been accepted for the conference.

If you wish to apply for the grant, please complete a Grant Application Form which can be found here and submit it along with your abstract. Grants will be awarded on the basis of the conference organising committee’s collective consideration of submitted applications.



Betti Bodi

AHRC/M3C Doctoral Candidate

Dept of Culture, Film and Media

University of Nottingham
Room B57, Trent Building
University Park


Call for papers : AI, Games & VR Symposium

Submission deadline: 14th January 2018

At: AISB Conference, Liverpool, UK, 4-6 April 2018

The longest running convention on Artificial Intelligence, AISB 2018 will be held in 2018 at the University of Liverpool.
As in the past years, AISB 2018 provides a unique forum for presenting cutting edge research and burning issues around all areas of AI.
The theme for this year is “AI for the Digital Society”.

The AI, Games & VR Symposium, acts as a meeting place for researchers and practitioners from academia, education and industry who are involved with the design, development and evaluation of AI in the context of games or virtual reality and any other form of immersive experience (e.g. 360 videos)

It focuses on the application of artificial intelligence or intelligent-like techniques, frameworks and theories to the creation of interactive engaging intelligent games. It will address the following areas of research and practice:

  • The use of AI techniques (planning, learning, evolution etc.) in games, VR and the game/VR design process.
  • The design and engineering of AI components in commercial games, virtual environments, VR technology, Immersive experiences
  • AI for serious games, gamification, virtual environments
    Automatic or semi-automatic procedural content generation
    Intelligent or adaptive player interaction
  • AI for player/user analytics and modelling player/user behaviour or experience.
  • Agent pathfinding and decision-making in games and virtual reality applications
  • Using games or simulations as a platform for building intelligent agents
    Environmental simulations for games/VR/immersive experiences
    Interactive narrative generation
  • Intelligent Narrative Technologies
  • Player perceptions of game AI, VR AI, Immersive experience AI
  • Experimental AI & Games, AI & VR, AI & immersive experience

Papers connecting games to all areas of computational intelligence and traditional AI are considered.

Authors could be specialised in: AI, machine learning, planning, narrative, education and training, media, multimedia, game design and development, game interaction design, characters design, interaction design and evaluation for children and/or adults , virtual reality technology, virtual reality, and any other relevant area.

Submissions invited :-

  • Extended Abstracts (2-4 pages)
  • Short papers (4-6 pages)
  • Posters (one slide, and one page for the proceedings)
  • Demonstrations (2 pages description of what is going to be demonstrated)
  • Tutorials (max 2 pages description of planned tutorial content)

Submissions will be via the Easychair website at :-

Deadline (extended) for all submissions: 14th January 2018